Sustainable Travel Star

Win £5 by inspiring others to switch to healthier and greener travel habits

The Changing Steps Cardiff challenge allows everyone who works or studies at Cardiff University to earn BetterPoints and win prizes for walking, cycling and using public transport. One such prize is the 'Sustainable Travel Star'. Matt was chosen as our latest winner and received 5,000 BetterPoints (£5) for sharing his story. For your chance to win £5, download the app via the buttons or QR code at the bottom of the page!

Despite being an active cyclist at home, it wasn’t until neuroscience student Matt joined Changing Steps in his third year of study that he brought his bike to University and upped his cycling game. Here is what he had to say:

Before joining the Changing Steps challenge, what were your travel habits like?

“I used to cycle quite a lot back in Oxford. My mates and I would cycle to different places including school, which was about 40 minutes away.
When I first visited Cardiff on the open day I was encouraged to see all of the cycle lanes. Where I’m from there’s no such thing.
However, when I first arrived here to study I didn’t bring my bike. I would use the OVO bike-hire on the odd occasion, but mainly I would walk or take public transport to get around.
But when I was recommended the app by my girlfriend and started using it, I decided to bring my bike from home so I would cycle more often and claim more rewards.”

How has the app helped you? What features do you enjoy?

“I really enjoy using it and charting my progress. The rewards give me an incentive to go out for a walk or cycle when I don’t have to.
I’ve recently redeemed some points for a Cardiff Bus pass. My girlfriend and I live quite far away from Heath Park Campus, about an hour on foot, so it was nice to have a little longer in bed and to take the bus for free!
I’ve got my eye on a few of the £5 vouchers. They’re giving me a target to work towards.”

How have your travel habits changed?

“I’m cycling more frequently and to places further away. For instance I’ll now cycle down to the bay for a coffee. I would say I’m doing about 2 ½ hours of walking and cycling a day now.
Before I came to university I had passed my driving test, so I was tempted to bring a car. Having the challenge and essentially being rewarded for not driving has helped me to resist.
It’s made me realise how important walking and cycling are to me. Being able to travel actively will influence where I end up living and working after Cardiff.”

Have you noticed any benefits as a result?

“Going out for a walk or cycle never feels forced anymore. It feels natural. This has put me in a better place mentally and physically.”

Not yet earning rewards for walking, wheeling, cycling and taking public transport to campus? To join Changing Steps Cardiff simply download the free BetterPoints app via the buttons or QR below, register with your e-mail, and tap Challenges to get started.

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Mobile phone with betterpoints app.